This web site is not a blog, even though it's a collection of random pieces of text on different subjects. However, I prefer more structure to the pages than the continuous flow common to the blog.

Back in 2001, I spent almost a year in New Zeeland as exchange student. I brought my gear, at that time a Canon EF camera with FD mount lenses and a Manfrotto tripod. Most photos were captured on FujiChrome Velvia och Provia 100F. Whenever I look back at photos from this time, it strikes me how stunning the landscape of the South Island is.

(This album is work in progress).

Some technical details

All photos in this album are scans of 35mm slide film. I used a Konica-Minolta Dimage 5400 elite slide film scanner. After optimising exposure and other scanning parameters, all parameters were locked and kept constant while scanning an IT8 calibration target. This scan was used to create a scanner profile using ArgyllCMS. Same settings were subsequently used for scanning all images, which were then transformed into ProPhotoRGB using the custom profile and ArgyllCMS tools.

Copyright © 2024 Mikael Durling. Published May 28, 2024, updated May 29, 2024.